April 17-18, 2009
Randolph College, Martin Science Building
Galileo to Geophones:
Celebrating the International Year of Astronomy and Beyond"
Post Conference Summary and Pictures
- General Information/Invitation
- All are welcome to attend the Zone 4 Meeting at Randolph College in
Lynchburg, VA. Students are encouraged to present research. You do not have to be in Zone 4, or even in SPS,
to attend. It is a great opportunity to try presenting your
research in a low-key setting, and to hear some great things
about what others in the area are doing in physics. Our featured
speakers and events are pretty exciting, too! We have Robert Loughman from Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences at Hampton U
and Chris Hughes from the Center for Materials Science at JMU.
Our very own Tom Michalik will puzzle you with time travel
paradoxes, and Tatiana Toteva will educate you about
earthquakes. And then of course we have all the student contributed
talks and posters. We will have a special session of
presentations to honor the Year of Astronomy. We will also have
groups trek out to our observatory, and to our seismograph
station. We challenge you to run on our Human-Sized Hamster
Wheel (that generates electricity.) We will start on Friday
evening, and end on Saturday afternoon. Limited free housing
(flooring, really) is available for students. There are
convenient hotels, and of course, you can just come for the day
Saturday. Food, fun, t-shirts, and good physics will be had by
- Registration and Abstract Submission
(click to go to form)
- Any student (college or high school) may present research or outreach,
any physics topic, as a poster or a talk. Abstract deadline
HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO April 6. Limited post-deadline abstracts will
be accepted, but may not make it into the program, or may not be
scheduled ideally. We especially invite astronomy-related talks
for a special session celebrating the Year of Astronomy.
- Please register with the same form if you
are attending and not presenting. Registration deadline is
April 6. Late and walk-up registrations are accepted, but
may not get a t-shirt.
- $15 registration fee is due upon arrival,
or can be mailed
All pre-registrants receive a t-shirt, snacks, possibly
lunch, and prizes will be awarded for various things!
- POSTER SIZE: 4' tall by 6' or smaller.
CONTRIBUTED ORAL: 12 minutes + 3 minutes questions
- Housing
- There are a limited number of no-cost
crash pads for students - please e-mail Dr. Sheldon (psheldon@randolphcollege.edu)
if you would like to see if there is availability.
- Hotel List (all
listed have discounts for the College)
- Driving Directions and Parking
- Program of events
- Invited Speakers
- Chris Hughes, Director, Center for
Materials Science, James Madison U
- Robert Loughman, Department of
Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Hampton U
- Tom Michalik, Randolph College (time
travel paradoxes, and the observatory)
- Tatiana Toteva, Randolph College
(earthquakes, and the seismograph)
- Featured Events
- Observatory viewing
- Seismograph tour
- Human-Sized, Power Generating Hamster Wheel
- Friday night social events
including Physics Jeopardy!
- Have you ever seen a person fit
their entire body into a latex balloon? You will see it
- The Zone Meeting is held in
conjunction with the College's Research Symposium, which
showcases research in ALL disciplines
- Please e-mail
psheldon@randolphcollege.edu for more information
We are looking
forward to seeing you in April!!!
