We will use the Arduino Uno
for some basic microcontroller programming. Once you figure this out, you will
be able to start controlling the world.
Before proceeding, please be
sure to read over the “Getting Started” section of the Arduino website:
www.arduino.cc, then drop-down the
“Learning” tab and select “Getting Started”.
Either use the web-based software OR install the Arduino software (or check to see if it has been installed): go to www.arduino.cc, click on the “Download” tab, and download the appropriate installer for the computer you are using. I do not have a preference, the web-based softare is pretty good, but sometimes it is just easier to run something locally. Programs in the Arduino are called “sketches”. Example sketches can be found at “File” and “Open”. For ideas about what you can do with the Arduino, be sure to Google Arduino projects. The Arduino is a popular platform, and if you want to do something, you can bet someone else might already have done it. We have buzzers for these Arduinos, which you can program to play at different frequencies, and we have stepper motors which you can program to move in various ways; we can purchase other sesors or output devices at generally quite low cost.
You can install it on your own computer
or a lab computer. If you are installing it on a physics lab computer, you must
right-click and run the installed as administrator, and get the administrator
password from the professor. Once installed, in order to run it, you must still right-click and choose to run it as an administrator. Be
sure to attach the hardware before you run it.
Familiarize yourself with the
hardware: attach the Arduino to a computer (lab or your own) with a USB cable.
Note the pins on the Arduino that you can connect to, the built in LED’s, etc.
Be sure to check that the computer recognizes the Arduino; change the serial
port (in “tools”) in the software if necessary. Note for Task I that pin 13 of
the Arduino already has an LED connected (built in LED).
Task I: Blink
Go to the “Examples” folder,
choose “Basics”, and “Blink” and open the blink.ino (“.ino” is the extension for
Arduino programs). You will see the source code for the “Blink” program, which
is similar to this, depending on where you are opening it:
Turns on an LED on for one second,
then off for one second, repeatedly.
This example code is in the public
// Pin 13
has an LED connected on most Arduino boards.
// give it
a name:
int led =
// the
setup routine runs once when you press reset:
setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as
an output.
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
// the loop
routine runs over and over again forever:
void loop()
digitalWrite(led, HIGH);
// turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
// wait for a second
digitalWrite(led, LOW);
// turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
// wait for a second
Understanding this program:
Comments (helpful
text that is not part of the program) are indicated by ‘//’ or ‘/*
*/’ marks.
The first thing
the program does is define an integer (int) variable called ‘led,’ and sets its
value to 13. This is not a command to tell the board to do anything, but just
defines “led” to equal 13.
In programming,
“void” generally means that the function that you are calling does not return a
Setup() specifies
some board setup information before you tell the microprocessor what to do.
A function
(specific to Arduino) called ‘pinMode’ is called in the setup() function, and
this sets the pin whose number is ‘led’ (=13) to be an ‘OUTPUT’ pin.
Then you tell the
microprocessor what to do, which in this case is a loop that turns on LED
(“HIGH”), and turns off LED (“LOW”).
Note that what is
in the loop brackets {} are the set of routines that will run over and over
again, because the loop function means to keep looping through the instructions.
For the kind of loop in the above instructions, no end is specified. There are
other kinds of loops that will end after a certain number of iterations or after
a certain value is returned.
The function ‘digitalWrite’
sets the pin whose number is given by ‘led’ (13) to the HIGH state.
Then, a delay()
of 1000 milliseconds, (1 second), while the LED at pin 13 remains in the HIGH
Then, ‘digitalWrite’
is called again, setting the pin ‘led’=13 to the LOW state.
Then, another
delay of 1000 milliseconds, while the LED remains in the LOW state.
Note that in
programming, all functions have () after them. In some cases, you want to pass
information to that function as in “delay(1000)”, in other cases, no information
needs to be passed to the function, but it just indicates what the program
should do next as in loop().
Transmit this program to your
Arduino board using the (→) button. You should see the RX and TX lights on the
Arduino board flash as the program is downloaded. Once the program is
downloaded, you should see the LED next to pin 13 blink once each second.
Task II: Blinkie
a. Now, try
modifying the program to make the LED blink more quickly. How would you do that?
How would you change the duty cycle?
(Remember that you have to re-upload the
modified program to your Arduino using the (→) button)
b. Change the output
pin from 13 to another value (such as 12) using your program. Pin 12,
unfortunately, doesn’t have a built-in LED. So you’ll have to connect your own –
use a breadboard. The HIGH output voltage of the Arduino is 5V (a pretty typical
computer voltage). This is too high for many LEDs, and they may literally
explode if you attach them directly from pin 12 to ground. A typical max current
for an LED is 20 mA, so calculate the resistor you need to put in series with
your LED, and hook up your LED and resistor in series from pin 12 to ground.
Remember to put the LED the correct way – the shorter lead is the lower
potential side. Once you have the LED flashing on and off as the on-board LED
was on pin 12, you’re good to go.
c. Using two LEDs
(and two output pins) try making the LEDs blink back and forth (alternately). You could also
do this with more LEDs and more output pins, using different colored LEDs…
Include your program in your writeup.
Task III: Fade
In this part you’ll take
advantage of the fact that the output pins with the tilde (~) symbol can be
rapidly modulated on and off, using “pulse width modulation” in which the
percentage of time in the HIGH and LOW states is adjusted to give an average
voltage anywhere between 0 and 5V.
Open the file Fade.ino
(Examples, Basics). Go
through the program, and try to figure out how it works. You can find more
information at
Connect a LED with
appropriate resistor, to the appropriate pin, and see what happens.
Also, try connecting the
buzzer, and see what happens.
In both cases, play around
with the parameters in the program, and see what results you get!
Describe in a few short sentences what you observe and what Fade is doing.
Task IV: Tune
Leave your buzzer hooked up to the Arduino, and open the Tone Melody (Examples, Digital), or any other example program that will play a sound, and make sure the program is writing to the correct pin (or change the pin that the buzzer is hooked up to), and play a tune. Please look at the code and try to understand how it works.
Task V: Reading an Analog
Input, Outputting to the Serial Monitor
The Arduino will digitize an analog input in 10 bits. Note that 10 bits goes from decimal values 0 to 1023, which in 10 binary bits is 0000000000 to 1111111111. To be clear 1111111111 binary is represented in decimal as 2^9 + 2^8 + 2^7 +…+2^0 = 1023.
So if an analog input is a
voltage, and has
a limit of 0 to 5V, 0 volts would be converted to (represented by) decimal 0, or a 10 bit binary
number 0000000000. And 5V is decimal 1023, or binary 1111111111.
Open up the file
First, this program sets up
continuous communication with the Arduino:
Then the loop() begins. At
each iteration, an analog voltage input between 0 and 5V is read at terminal A0:
sensorValue = analogRead(A0)
and is digitized to its
decimal value
sensorValue = integer part of (voltage/5.0) * 1023
For example, a voltage of
0.17V would correspond to a decimal value of 34: (0.17/5)*1023 = 34.782. Since
it does not round, but instead take the integer part, the resulting sensorValue
is 34.
What is the voltage resolution of
this analog to digital conversion? (Resolution means what is the smallest
difference that can be measured. So a voltmeter that only reads to tenths place
has a 0.1V resolution.) What if you wanted to read voltages higher
than 5V, what could you do before inputting your signal so that you can still
use the Arduino?
The variable sensorValue is
then converted into the variable “voltage,” an equivalent voltage on the 0-5V
scale – this is a digital-to-analog conversion!
“Voltage” is then sent back to the computer in the command “Serial.println(voltage),”
once for each iteration of the loop.
Connect the Arduino GND and 5V
terminals to the end terminals of any potentiometer. The potentiometer acts as a
voltage divider, so the center terminal’s potential can be adjusted by turning
the knob.
Connect the center terminal
of the potentiometer to the input A0.
Upload the program to your
Arduino, and let it begin running. The TX and RX lights should flash
continuously, since the “Serial.begin(9600)” command establishes continuous
two-way communication between the Arduino and your computer.
As stated before, the Arduino
will repeatedly upload the value of the variable “voltage” to your computer.
To see these values, click on “Tools” > “Serial Monitor.” This will open
up a window that will display the values of voltage as they are reported.
Tune the potentiometer knob
up and down – what happens to the value at the serial monitor?
Can you change the rate at
which the serial monitor value updates? (Hint: it does so once in each iteration
of the loop – can you change the rate at which the loop repeats? Be sure to show how you did this – give me your code
and you can include comments in the code.)
Task VI: Do Something Else
Choose another example program, or program it yourself, and get the Arduino to
do something else. Be sure to vary something in the code non-trivially and
supply me the code and a description of what it did.
Write-up: There is a form in Moodle ("quiz") in which to input your results, videos, code, answers to questions. This QUIZ is your informal writeup. The End