You must attend class. It is essential to see how the material is presented differently from the book. Attendance will be noted, and will be reflected in the grade only in borderline cases. Class participation will be reflected in your grade and will be based on reading and preparation of material from the current chapter being discussed. As a reminder, this is a 300-level course, and your participation in the learning process is required. Please read and prepare to understand or have questions on the material which is assigned.  I will not go over everything in each chapter we cover.
Taking Notes:

Taking notes in this class is required. It is as important as coming to class. You must take notes by hand, if possible. (For reasoning and evidence, see this link.)

As well as reading, problems will be assigned once a week. Assignments and solutions will be posted on Moodle. Homework will include about 10 problems to be worked out. Assigned problems are to be handed to me at the beginning of class. If you do not turn in your homework when it is due, you must turn in a piece of paper at that time with you name on it, and an indication of when you plan to turn in the homework; if you do not, you will get a zero for the entire homework. Never turn HW in to my mailbox. It should be delivered to my office or to another faculty member. Late assignments are accepted but will be penalized 10 percent per class day.
Working together is encouraged; copying is not allowed. Solutions will be posted on Moodle one week, sometimes sooner, after you hand them in. You may not hand them in after solutions are posted. Please note that it is an honor code violation to use a solutions manual to help with your homework.
Details about labs, computer assignments, and research project will be provided when we come to them. The policy is the same as with other homework.
Two timed, take-home, limited notes exams will be given throughout the semester. These are listed on the syllabus.  The final exam in comprehensive.
Grade Weight:
Exams (15% each) 30%
Final Exam 15% (if you improve on the final exam, I will count it more and the other exams less)
Homework 22%
Labs 15%
Research paper 10%
Class Participation 8%
If you must miss turning in an assignment, exam, lab and want me to make an exception, you must let me know before it is due, otherwise it will not be accepted. The only exceptions to this rule are for unforeseen emergencies, and will require a note from the Dean or a doctor.
Students with Disabilities:
If you have a disability, an illness, or injury that keeps you from learning to the best of your ability, there are services available that may be helpful.  To learn more about these services, go to the “Just for Students” link on your Moodle Classroom Help menu or contact Tina Barnes, Coordinator of Disability Services, in the Academic Services Center, 4th floor, Lipscomb Library; at (434) 947-8132; or at
I need a schedule of things you will miss ahead of time, approved by your coach. If I receive this, you will be allowed to miss class with no prejudice, but homeworks, quizzes, labs and exams will need to be done ahead of time, unless there are extenuating circumstances that we agree to.
Honor is of utmost importance in the academic atmosphere and is taken very seriously by me. I encourage people to work together on homework, but the finished product must be your own work.