Physics 11x5 Policy

Attendance/Watching Posted Lectures:
You must attend and actively participate in class. It is essential to see how the material is presented differently from the book. In borderline grade cases, attendance and participation will be considered.
Taking Notes:
Taking notes in this class is required.
You must take notes by hand, if possible. (For reasoning and evidence, see this link.)
Two "hour" exams will be given as listed on the syllabus, in-person. You know when the tests are now, the dates will not change. They must be taken on these dates. If the scheduled time is not possible for you, you may take it in ANY two-hour block that day.
Three short take-home quizzes will be given on Moodle throughout the semester.
The final exam includes both a third (not comprehensive) exam and a comprehensive, open-book assignment.
Extra Credit Homework:
Extra credit problems will be available beyond the regular homework set - the more extra credit homework you do, the less the exams will be worth. Extra credit homework sets have the same due dates as regular homework. Extra credit homework points will only help your grade, no matter how much you do. You should plan to do as much of this as possible.
On humid days, I am not able to mind-read in this class, and the point is to learn thought processes.  You must show your work, show your thought process, for homework, exam and quiz solutions in order to get full credit even if your answers are correct. Incorrect reasoning will be penalized even for correct answers.
Grade Weight:
Honor and Responsibility:
If you are going to miss class, a homework, a lab, a quiz or an exam, you must let me know ahead of time.  You may reschedule earlier than the original due date.  The only exceptions to this rule are for unforeseen emergencies, and will require a note from the Dean or a doctor. Take responsibility for your work and yourself. Do not blame an unfinished homework on the fact that you could not find a time to meet with me the day before it is due. Honor is of utmost importance in the academic atmosphere and is taken very seriously by me. I encourage people to work together on homework and labs, but the finished product must be your own work. I would encourage anyone to come to me with a problem that has kept you from doing your work, so that we can work something out, rather than just taking a zero, or worse yet, cheating and possibly failing the class. I will feel free to give you freedom, but then the conduct of the Honor System instituted at Randolph College is in the hands of the students.
Use of AI (Artificial Intelligence):
You are strictly forbidden from asking any type of AI for help in solving a specific problem that has been assigned for a grade, unless under my (professor's) direction. You may use AI to help find inforamtion such as "what is Newton's 2nd Law". You must always disclose any use of AI in any written work. AI may be used for personalized learning, such as reviewing materials, asking questions, or practicing skills (e.g., Khan Academy AI) as long as it is not directly related to written work that is submitted for a grade.Note that it may be perfectly appropriate to ask a tutor a question that you strictly prohibited from asking AI because a tutor is trained to answer in a way that helps you to learn.
Expectation of Effort: Please see the link here.
Grade Scale:
This class grades on a ten-point scale, where an A is worth 95, B is worh 85, etc. Please see here for detail. Please note that in the case of a completion grade, a complete assignment is an A, which is worh 95 points.
College-Wide Policy: Please see information at the link here
These rules are subject to change.  I give ample opportunity to do well in this class - homework is worth a significant amount and you can do it until you get it right. For these reasons I do not typically give additional extra credit and do not make exceptions for missing work.