- Attendance:
- You must attend our class meetings, and come prepared
with questions about the readings and videos assigned. You must attend and actively participate in class on required days,
and must watch and interact with every lecture video by the class day for which
it is prepared. It is essential
to see how the lecture material is presented differently from the book.
- Taking Notes:
Taking notes in this class is required. You must take notes on the video lectures and live sessions. It is as important as coming to class. You must
take notes by hand, if possible. (For
reasoning and evidence, see this link.)
- Homework:
- -You will be assigned readings from the text and other
sources when appropriate. You should read in order
to understand the
material, and prepare questions on
material you do not understand. The
learning in this class will not only occur during the scheduled class, but
you will be expected to watch up to 100 minutes of video lecture on your own
time (or some equivalent exercise that is not regular homework problems), and
you will be expected to review your notes. Please note that this is a distinct
feature of our Take2 format, and allows for us to only meet for 300 minutes a
week, yet award four credits.
-As well as preparing to understand the material on any given class day,
homework problems to solve will be assigned
most class days, due the next class day (or later). Homework will
include 3-5 problems per class day. Homework will
be assigned in both WebAssign and as written problems so that I can see your
work. See class page for WebAssign instructions and link. Late assignments are accepted but will
be penalized 10 percent per day.
-You MUST show your work for full credit on written problems.
- Exams:
- -Two tests will be given throughout the semester, about every 2.5 weeks. These are listed on the syllabus. The tests may not
all be the same length.
-The final exam is comprehensive.
- Grade Weight:
- Tests (15% each) 30%
The final exam will be worth more if it helps your grade, otherwise the
homework will be worth more if it helps your grade; the total of final exam
and homework will be 60%
Final Comprehensive Exam 25%-30%
Class Preparation and Watching Lectures
(please click link) 10%

- Grade Scale:
- This class grades on a ten-point scale,
where an A is worth 95, B is worh 85, etc.
Please see here for detail.
Please note that in the case of a completion grade, a complete assignment is
an A, which is worh 95 points.
- Honor:
- Honor is of utmost importance in the academic atmosphere and is taken very seriously by
me. I encourage people to work together on homework, but the finished product must be your
own work. The Randolph College honor code will be strictly adhered to.
- Note:
- These rules are subject to change, in which case I would be sure to give
you ample warning. If you must miss turning in a HW or taking a test,
you MUST let me know before the fact. An unexcused late exam is a zero. Please take responsibility and get the work
done, and talk to me before a problem arises. The only exceptions to
this rule are for unforeseen emergencies, and will require a note from the
Dean or a doctor.
- College-Wide Policies
(please click link)