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2008-2009 Randolph College SPS officers and members

President: Wai Sze Cheung '09
Vice President: Tiffany Paonessa '09

Secretary: Cat Khoo '

Treasurer: Yanpaing Oo '11
Historian: Nema Marjana '11

Stephanie Lyons '09

Katrina Wiechmann '09

Faculty Advisor: Dr. Peter Sheldon


constitution & 


semester projects

Hamster wheel challenge

...That's right, we're making a challenge of it.  We are going to build a human-sized hamster wheel that really powers some kind of electrical device. 

for SPS members

Check out the events calendar for other upcoming activities!

contact us!
Questions?  Comments?  Feeling lonely?  Do you want to be on the SPS mailing list?  If so, drop us a note at psheldon@randolphcollege.edu

join SPS today!


This page and all contents designed, maintained and copyright by Kacey Meaker.  Last updated 12/01/2020